Thoughts Upon the War in Syria

            Humanity is into a new phase of global awareness and interaction.  Cooperation, conformity and unity is universal in the areas of economics, trade, shipping, transportation, financial exchanges and monetary interaction.  Reliance, dependability and continuity are demanded in economic markets and endeavors.  The controlling forces do not recognize nor tolerate the unbridled confiscation of assets or property.  Contracts are enforced.  China was forced to honor its 99 year lease with Great Britain on Hong Kong.  Cuba is still subject to the Guantanamo lease.  Iraq was forcibly evicted from Kuwait upon their invasion in 1990.

Unfortunately, in the areas of human interaction, genocide and human trafficking, many areas of the world still tolerate and are governed by tenants that became obsolete in the middle ages. The argument is that all countries have sovereign rights.  This presumption is not controlling in economic or commercial areas but, as it pertains to human beings, our species, it is still considered controlling.  Rulers are free to execute whatever reign of terror they choose to enforce, for their personal power, profit or pleasure.

 The Solution

The only way order will ever be achieved is for, at least, a few consistent rules/laws to be codified and applied to every human being, including women, on the planet and that there be an effective global police force to provide enforcement.  The United States cannot continue to be the World’s policeman, especially since it lacks any legitimate legal authority. That is what is missing from the Bush II Doctrine. Bush I had it right:  Proceed only upon clearly recognized authority. Intervention should not be limited to only invasions or when genocide reaches the hundreds of thousands. The present situation where the U. S. President takes it upon himself to review and implement an international kill list is untenible.

The international rules of law should apply to all rulers, purported kings, dictators, prime ministers or presidents.  For example, it should be that, after a legitimate judicial determination, a culpable ruler would be arrested, abducted (Manuel Noriega) or even taken out by a drone.  In the United States, leaders are subject to basic legal standards (see: Spiro Agnew, Richard Nixon, Tom DeLay, Rod Blagojevich). 

The end result for Mankind, if we are to survive, requires order. Certainly the mass of humanity would not object. Does anyone think the starving masses & the perpetual rape victims in Somalia & Darfur or political victims/opponents subject to early morning raids, prison & torture without trial would object? Wars between countries or even tribes are intolerable, assuming there is a consistently applied rule of law.

The only real opponents of such laws will be those in power who are used to and plan to abuse their authority. Think Assad, Gadhafi, Bosnia, Kosovo, war criminals and crimes against humanity.  What is necessary  is for the United Nations, it’s Police force and the World Court to be strengthened, reformed and given a clear authority and power over the entire globe.

To initially get it through the Security Counsel, one likely have to exempt the “Big Five” as China and Russia will not permit any outside intervention in their political systems at present. It would be interesting to see the reaction of the rest of the world nations to that suggestion.  An initial grant of retroactive immunity might be expedient such that only future violations would be subject to the new Global rule of law. Humanity has to start somewhere!