Louis L’Amour Self-Awareness Humility

“ A man’s life always starts today.  Every morning is a beginning, a fresh start, and a man needn’t be hog-tied to the past.  Whatever went before, a man’s life can begin now, today.”  Milo Talon, p. 21

             This is a very, very important perception.  Each day, each moment is an opportunity.  An opportunity to suffer and struggle.  But also, an opportunity to achieve, to persist, to enjoy, to exalt, to appreciate even the most simple pleasures, to grab this very moment.  It was never and never will be again.  It exists only now.  Nevermore.

 No matter how good a man can become, there is always, somewhere, a better.

The Mountain Valley War p 61

While this is true, it is neither wrong nor vain to set as a goal to be the best.  If

you don’t have a goal, you certainly will not achieve it.  By the same token, if you become highly skilled, always remember that there may be someone better such that you may as well retain your humility.

 “Never was a horse that couldn’t be rode, an’ there never was a rider who couldn’t be throwed.”

High Lonesome, p. 13

             Along the same lines, no matter how smart, sharp, strong we are or think we might be, there is always someone who is more gifted.  Accept that as opposed to resenting it.  One can and should strive to be the best, recognizing that attaining that is unlikely.  Still, if you set your goals low, you will never achieve greater heights.

There was a tennis player I knew of who, upon being ranked fifth in the world after many years of work, stepped back and looked at his situation.  His observation was that things were pretty good.  He had a good life:  Notoriety, celebrity, money.  He was very successful.  Not bad.  Upon that moment, when he accepted his place and status, he never climbed any higher.  Once you accept a place, that will be as high or as good as you every become.

I am, by many standards, “old” as I write this. Nevertheless, even I attack each day with optimism and vigor, giving the best I have to improve and challenge myself.

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