How Smart Are We Really?

When we think about how smart we are, we should consider the fact that the Earth is billions of years old. There has been a life on the planet for hundreds of millions of years. The dinosaurs ruled for 250 million years. And human beings have been around for maybe 50,000 years. A major key to humans and their “success” is the ability to communicate verbally in complexity and in their ability to pass knowledge generationally.

In their construct, humans only really began accumulating knowledge and building things of permanence approximately 4000 years ago, beginning with the pyramids. The refinement of the transmission of knowledge from generation to generation is only a very recent occurrence. First, writing had to be developed as it did not exist prior to its invention by humans. Then, humans had to invent a means to record the information and records beyond carving the notations into a block of clay. Paper had to be invented. Then people had to learn to read and write. Of course, mathematics also did not develop until the just a few thousand years ago though the Egyptians had to have that knowledge. But none of that  matters as the period of consideration here is not the just next 100 years but the next 100,000 years. Then, the question is “where and what will we be?”, assuming our species still exists.

Science did not really begin to develop beyond basic metal work, carpentry, and stone work until maybe 150 years ago. We have begun to accelerate knowledge accumulation and application and truly understand some limited aspects of our environment only over the last 50 to 100 years.

In that context then, how very much is there that we do not yet know or understand? Our lack of knowledge has to almost be infinite. We should be elated that we have accomplished and learned as much as we have. However, we should also be humble and guarded and hold the high expectations of ourselves because we have so very much more to learn. In that regard, it may be that we even evolve. It would be nice to think (and believe) that we are the ultimate. However, that is not close to the mark. Beyond the obvious genetic defects that riddle our species causing deformities and suffering, we are susceptible to excesses in the consumption and ingestion of euphorics.  We simultaneously are unable to control our desires. An alternative genetic code could permit and offer us the ability to control our behaviors, desires and compulsions. We really could do with less hate and various phobias.  We have developed computers.  We are developing AI .  We are developing genetic modification.  Who is to say that our species is the ultimate. We have much, much more to learn and do.

Aliens on Earth? What if there are no other cognizant life forms?

The US government just admitted to spending millions on attempting to discover or prove that alien exist or more precisely, have visited the Earth.  Other than a few fuzzy photos, there has been no evidence produced.

Here’s a risky thought:  “What if there are no other cognizant life forms anywhere?” What if humankind is the lone sentient or cognitive species in the galaxy?

“Sentient” is defined as beings or species that build things, communicate by writings or phones or possess similar technological capacity. Trees and plants, for example, are certainly living organisms and an integral part of the Earth’s construct. However, it is generally accepted that trees are not sentient.  In a like manner, animals, bacteria, birds are clearly alive and they learn. However, what have they built?

Life has existed on Earth in millions of different forms over the last 600,000,000 years. Technical developments have only come to pass in the last few thousand years.  Expand this to what we can see and hear.  There is nothing.  No evidence off the Earth.  What if there are no sentient life forms other than Homo sapiens anywhere else in the galaxy? What if technological developments exist only  here on Earth? There is no empirical proof of any technology other than what humans have developed.  What if there are no comparable alien intelligences or gods? What if there is only the now and humankind and what can actually be seen, touched, felt and hear?

The possibility exists that humankind may be a supreme species. Maybe humankind alone is responsible for itself. Such a permutation would certainly impact on our rationalizations, our values, our view of existence. What would be our purpose if we were the lone sentient species in our cognizable universe.  It is an interesting thought.